Sunday 22 September 2013

Neil Young - Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon
Why is it called a harvest moon?  This full moon is called the Harvest Moon because many fruits and vegetables tend to ripen in the late summer and early fall in the Northern Hemisphere. In the days before electricity, farmers relied heavily on this moon's light, working late into the evening to harvest their crops.
Autumn Equinox
Is happening today, September 22, 2013 at 4:44 pm
Autumn Equinox is celebrated when day and night are of equal duration before the descent into increasing darkness and is the final festival of the season of harvest.
In nature, the activity of the summer months slows down to the hibernation for the winter. For many Pagans, now is time to reflect on the past season.
It is also a time to recognise that the balance of the year has changed, the wheel has turned and summer is now over.
Astrologers will recognise this as the date the sun enters the sign of Libra – the Scales of Balance.
This is one of the least celebrated of the Pagans Festivals although a harvest festival may be held to thank the Goddess for giving enough food to last the winter.

Happy Harvest Moon and Autumn Equinox everyone!!

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