Friday 6 September 2013

Day one...woo hoo

A year later and I have now added a blog.  I am terrified of writing online or writing anywhere people are able to read it.  That is why I am doing this.  I conquered my fear of calling myself an artist I am now conquering my fear of writing in a public forum.
A year ago I opened a shop on ETSY, and then I jus opened 2 on TheCraftStar and  I never thought I would do such a thing but I have.  It was due to one very encouraging and dear friend, Cylene; find her amazing items here:
I made my first Poppy Felt Brooch and wore it to work, I was very nervous and full of excitement.  She immediately commented on it and told me she loved it.  I continued to make more and she said open a shop on ETSY already...I thought about it but never thought of myself as an artist.  I told myself okay I will look into this ETSY thing, I joined and became an awesome consumer first then thought "why not, what do I have to lose." 
I opened H.E.R.Trinkets on September 3rd 2012 and have not looked back.  I mainly get sales through BNR's and have several repeat buyers.  This has solidified my items are well made and people are coming back for more....who knew??  
I will try to blog as often as I can and will be amazed if anyone reads this but hey I will try anything once or twice  lol
Thanks for stopping by  Stephanie
My first Poppy I wore to work!
In my backyard, Inspiring.
I love earth tones this is a newer poppy
Meet Chloee, my furbaby who thinks she is a dog.  we play fetch.
This madison my other furbaby, she is all cat  lol
Vibrant red and favorite poppy.
Close to home in the Autumn
My Backyard.

1 comment:

  1. HerTrinkets is one of my favorite shop. Love your products and you are a lovely friend I found on etsy. I'm so happy to know you Steph ^^
