Monday 9 September 2013


I have now finished the cork board piece of art.
I took a plain 10 x 10 cork board and added some beautiful tags I have purchased off ETSY or got from sellers as a thank you.

Each corner of the cork board I tried to stick to themes with the tags.  I have so many favorites and all so different from one another I wanted to make some kind of organization to them.  You can always mix up all the pieces and make it more abstract.  There is no right or wrong way to do this.
I have left spaces as I will have more to add as time goes on...I have a wee tag obsession I make them and collect them.

 I put the finished board in my craft room/office to add more texture to the walls and more colours.

That is the end of my III Part DIY series.  I will have more to come in the future as I am always creating something new.  I love to make objects work in a different way than what they were originally intended for.