Monday 9 September 2013


So I finished painting the room light grey, it looks great with the white trim.  Take a look and you be the judge.  I also like grey as a neutral it goes with all wood types and most colours.

Remember thse trays I spray painted?  You can get trays on ETSY,, where I got them or thrift stores or you may have somelaying around the house.  Well I took each one and nailed it to the wall with one nail in the center.  You can take paint and paint over the nail colour to match the tray or do what I did.....put a magnet over it :)

 So I took some fabulous Magnets I got on ETSY,, and put them on the trays....Voila my own message board area to keep important information on cutom orders, upcoming events or just fun pics of the family.  You can always change up the magnets according to the season, holidays your decor...I love Hallowe'en as you can tell:)


Part III to come; a funky cork board used as art not as a message board!!

1 comment:

  1. love Funky's magnets! and those trays look fantastic!! great DIY! ^_^
