Wednesday 11 December 2013

Need Your Feed Back

I want to make HERTrinkets a real Success. 
What types of Trinkets would you like to see in my shop?
I love making new creations so try and challenge me.
They need to be made of the below materials though so think it through.

Felt, embroidery thread, hoops, hoop fabric, burlap, buttons, beads, findings, tags (large and small), paper, stickers, stamps, silver and bronze chains and charms, earrings and yarn.

Some folks look on Pinterest or wanelo for ideas but see what you can come up with on your own.
Thanks in advance for all your wonderful suggestions   :)   :)

I am starting on my own Bouquet.....what do you think??


Tuesday 26 November 2013

CHECK THESE SHOPS OUT: – Everyday Jewelry, Bridal Jewelry, Glam Punk Jewelry, Shabby Chic Jewelry – Beads, finding, ribbon and much more supplies!

KPaperShop – Greeting cards, Holiday cards, Birthday cards, French and English Cards

KPhotoShop – Beautiful Photography, instant downloads

From November 25 to December 2nd, 2013 until 11:59 PM.

BFCM20 for 20% off everything

BFCM40 for 40% off purchases over 25$

Sales sales sales !! 12% off entire shop, apply coupon code "FACEBOOK" at my shop . Special for facebook page's fans until Dec 31st. ^^
Use the code HOLIDAY for 18% off anything in the shop until Jan. 2. 2014
I love custom work so please convo me with what you would like and we can come to some arrangements.
 is running a sale STOCKINGSTUFFER FOR 25% is also running a sale STOCKINGSTUFFER FOR 15%


USE EGGNOG - 15%  OFF entire shop

Use "HOLIDAYS" for 20% off
More to come..........................


Sunday 24 November 2013

I am so excited to be able to have an awesome giveaway in a contest style.
I need YOU to come up with a design idea/theme for a hoop art:
it can be simple or detailed completely up to you.....
After 2 weeks I will have readers vote on their favorite. 
The one with the most votes over a 2 week period will win   !!!!!!!
The winner will get their idea made by me sent to them plus another lil gift from me   :)

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Holidays are around the corner.......once again how did that come up so quickly.
Have you ever thought of shopping all handmade, local artists, canadian/USA made only for your gifts?
Something to think about it,  may cost a little more but your gifts will be original, crafty and loved for the thought you put into it.
Here are some sites to consider:

here are some awesome ideas for people who seem to have everything:
Ok so I hope I have made you think about shopping differently this holiday season and also gave you some ideas.
Please leave any other websites for folks to check out.

Happy Shopping....also no malls and items will be shipped right to your door!!  
You can even get the artist to ship directly to the person the gift is for......I am doing that for a couple of people and adding a little card with a note from them.


Friday 1 November 2013

I cannot say I am a huge fan of moustaches, I dont mind a nice goatee.  I find in Movember I have a sudden urge to buy razors and hand them out to men.  I think the message behind movember is great..."men's mental and physical health needs to be talked about" and "lets encourage each other to go to the doctors."  However, many men do not look good in a moustache.
In this link it will show some great staches but also some really bad ones.
Hope this inspires all the men out there and I will resist shaving random mens moustaches off this month
Men it is time to go to your doctors and tell him/her if you have any issues, changes that have occurred it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Its a quick turn and cough :)

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Being from the 80's early 90's music world I love Pearl Jam.  Eddy Vedder's unique and powerful voice has been missed for some time now.  They have a new album...Lightening Bolt.
Thanks once again to the lovely world of youtube I have been able to check out a few songs and a lil "film" about the album

Eddy may have gotten older but he is still a hottie and his voice is still so smooth.
This song shows off his voice so well....
Enjoy the music my friends.  <3

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Metric - Synthetica (Live at Sasquatch)

Metric has got to be one of my favorite bands.  I think it is kickass they are Canadian from my home town of Toronto.   I am not sure if they have made it in the states as large as they have made it here, but if I can spread their awesomeness in anyway even the better.

It was a few years ago I had the pleasure of seeing them live at Massey Hall in Toronto.  They have to be the best band LIVE I have ever seen.  I was on my feet dancing the entire show!

Above are 2 exapmles of them live, I hope this will entice you to listen to more of their songs and rock out to them.   I don't see how one can listen to them and not want to move!!

Let me know what you think?  already a fan?  now a fan?   will check out more of them??

Friday 4 October 2013

DIY another look....

I have not used sandpaper to age these ones.  Please feel free to share what yours  look like, love to see them.  :)  The flowers look pinkish in these pics they are a deep red and look gorgeous.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Arcade Fire - Reflektor

I am really liking this song.  I have no clue what the video is about, I guess I am not artsy enough to get it??  It was kind of making sense then the naked dolls came into play.  If you have any insight do tell.
If not push play and enjoy some Canadian Music, French Canadian Music that is.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

DIY continued...


After paint has dried completely it is time to glue the twine onto the top of our jars.  Start at the bottom just under the last lip and use your glue gun.  I suggest you glue about 2 inches at a time and pull the twine around inch by inch, it makes for a cleaner job and less painful ~ glue guns are HOT


I happened to have some awesome flowers that I thought would look great on my jars, if you have anything laying around that you think will add a lil something something GO FOR IT !!
Take your sandpaper, any grade, and gently scrap off paint in various areas of your jars.  This will give it that aged look.  There is no right or wrong way to do this.
Place your jars where you want in your home.  You can add flowers to your jars for a pop of colour, add some foilage for more textured layers or leave them empty.  Trust your creative eye :)

Share your DIY projects, I would love to see the results  :)

Tuesday 1 October 2013

H.E.R. Trinkets: Here is a simple DIY project    I am seeing the...

Here is a simple DIY project


I am seeing these everywhere; even in my kitchen :)


 I saw them in magazines and on different websites and thought how easy to make, even I can do this.
I added some flowers from the dollar store and voila a pretty focal point in my kitchen to add a pop of colour.

What you need to make this DIY project:

3 empty glass jars preferably a mason jar or ones with some writing on it, 3 paint colours to match your decor (I am using acrylic paints you can use spray paint as well), paint brush, twine, glue gun, scissors, sandpaper (any grade) and your artistic self  :)
This will be a little different then the ones above as we will be adding twine at the top of our jars for more texture.
If you are going to be blending paints to make a certain colour remember you will need enough for approximately 4 coats on each jar so mix enough.

Make sure your jars are all washed and have all paper labels and glue removed from them and start painting them.  Each will need approximately 4 coats

Paint all three jars and have them dry over night.

to be continued......

Wednesday 25 September 2013

An Ode to Autumn

"A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made.  The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air."
-   Eric Sloane
I love the hot summers but Fall has to be my favorite.  I love the crisp air, colourful leaves, the wild flowers rich hues and the clean scent in the wind.
It comes quickly and seems to be done faster than if came.
Some pictures from last fall in my neighbourhood.

 "The milkweed pods are breaking,
And the bits of silken down
Float off upon the autumn breeze
Across the meadows brown."
-   Cecil Cavendish, The Milkweed

Nature inspires me, I love working with felt, see my creations below.


"No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one Autumnal face."
-   John Donne

"When the bold branches
Bid farewell to rainbow leaves -
Welcome wool sweaters."
-   B. Cybrill

 "Lo! sweeten’d with the summer light,
The full-juiced apple, waxing over-mellow,
Drops in a silent autumn night.
All its allotted length of days
The flower ripens in its place,
Ripens and fades, and falls, and hath no toil,
Fast-rooted in the fruitful soil."
-   Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Lotus-Eaters
What inspires you? 
Know what it is and make time for it everyday, we are here to learn, create and to inspire.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Neil Young - Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon
Why is it called a harvest moon?  This full moon is called the Harvest Moon because many fruits and vegetables tend to ripen in the late summer and early fall in the Northern Hemisphere. In the days before electricity, farmers relied heavily on this moon's light, working late into the evening to harvest their crops.
Autumn Equinox
Is happening today, September 22, 2013 at 4:44 pm
Autumn Equinox is celebrated when day and night are of equal duration before the descent into increasing darkness and is the final festival of the season of harvest.
In nature, the activity of the summer months slows down to the hibernation for the winter. For many Pagans, now is time to reflect on the past season.
It is also a time to recognise that the balance of the year has changed, the wheel has turned and summer is now over.
Astrologers will recognise this as the date the sun enters the sign of Libra – the Scales of Balance.
This is one of the least celebrated of the Pagans Festivals although a harvest festival may be held to thank the Goddess for giving enough food to last the winter.

Happy Harvest Moon and Autumn Equinox everyone!!

Friday 13 September 2013


I will share mine but I want to hear from my readers what their home remedies are!!
I like to try and do everything possible to stay away from using over the counter medicines to "bandaid" the symptoms.
I have a few remedies I swear by and have had a few pasted onto me over the years.
1.  To build immunity and help sooth throat make ginger tea. Take a cube of raw ginger say the size of 2 dice and cut up into smaller pieces.  Add this and cayenne pepper into a tea pot, 6-8 cups serving size.  Add hot water and let steep for 20 minutes.  Drink no more than 3 cups of this as it is at a medicinal level after steeping over 20 minutes.  I add honey for a little flavour as well.
2. Hot water with lemon and honey.  Good for sore throat and to cleanse you.
3.  I was recently told if you are sick or feeling like you are getting sick to shorten the ill time I should take a whole onion and cut it in half.  Put one half in the bedroom and the other half in the livingroom.  I have tried it and have not gotten fully sick and feel I am getting better:)
4.  Eat a whole glove of garic daily to build immune system.  If you dont want to be smelly you can take garlic capsules they are almost as effective!!
What are your remedies ?

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Shrimp Pasta Dish mmmmmmmmmm

So I made one of my favorite dishes tonight: Shrimp Pasta.  I want to pass this on but I have been making this for years and I cannot remember the measurments I will wing it on here as I do when cooking it, let's hope it works out for ya.
I have to be careful about my diet, food sensitivities, so I stay away from tomatoes and dairy and wheat.  How do you enjoy pasta without a creme sauce or tomato sauce?  see below

brown rice pasta ~ I use linguine ~ 4 servings
frozen cooked shrimp ~ 340 g package
olive oil ~ a coating of the pan
2 gloves of garlic
3 shallots
1/2 tsp of cumin
1/2 tsp of tumeric
hot cayenne to taste ~ I use lots


Boil water for pasta, when boiling add pasta, stir occasionally so pasta does not stick.
In a frying pan, on medium heat, add:  olive oil, shallots, cumin, tumeric and shrimp.  Cook for about 15 minutes in the last 5 minutes add the garlic.
Once pasta is ready, el dente is the best, strain it and add back into the pot.  Once in the pot add the contents of the frying pan, stir over low heat for about 2 ~ 3 minutes.

Serve and enjoy!!!
I usually have a salad with it

Monday 9 September 2013


I have now finished the cork board piece of art.
I took a plain 10 x 10 cork board and added some beautiful tags I have purchased off ETSY or got from sellers as a thank you.

Each corner of the cork board I tried to stick to themes with the tags.  I have so many favorites and all so different from one another I wanted to make some kind of organization to them.  You can always mix up all the pieces and make it more abstract.  There is no right or wrong way to do this.
I have left spaces as I will have more to add as time goes on...I have a wee tag obsession I make them and collect them.

 I put the finished board in my craft room/office to add more texture to the walls and more colours.

That is the end of my III Part DIY series.  I will have more to come in the future as I am always creating something new.  I love to make objects work in a different way than what they were originally intended for.