Wednesday 9 October 2013

Metric - Synthetica (Live at Sasquatch)

Metric has got to be one of my favorite bands.  I think it is kickass they are Canadian from my home town of Toronto.   I am not sure if they have made it in the states as large as they have made it here, but if I can spread their awesomeness in anyway even the better.

It was a few years ago I had the pleasure of seeing them live at Massey Hall in Toronto.  They have to be the best band LIVE I have ever seen.  I was on my feet dancing the entire show!

Above are 2 exapmles of them live, I hope this will entice you to listen to more of their songs and rock out to them.   I don't see how one can listen to them and not want to move!!

Let me know what you think?  already a fan?  now a fan?   will check out more of them??

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