Thursday 1 May 2014

A life I up for it??

I was talking to a co-worker today and we got on the subject of consumerism, I am a big one and want to stop as I feel I do NOT need anything else in clothes, home items etc.  I also feel my friends and family are blessed and have abundance, do I want to continue to feed into this Economy thing that clearly is broken?  Do I want to feed materialism by buying unneeded "pretties" for friends?
I say NO
This inspired a few ideas...For the next year I will buy gifts in the form of food, crafts or experiences!  That's right only food, crafts and experiences.

I have already started without knowing it lol  I bought my entire family early birthday gifts, to go see The Lion King together, hence an experience:)  
I know everyone I hang with are foodies so nice baked goods, handmade jewellery and fun times.
My hope is I will spend less, be more creative and thoughtful with gifts and save more monies to travel.
Wish Me luck and hey throw a few ideas my way 2 - 100 heads are better than 1.
I hope I inspired a few peeps or had you
look at how you spend your hard earned dollars


  1. Go, Stephanie! This sounds like a great idea! Keep us posted! Jet Tucker

    1. Jet thanks so much for the encouragement it means a lot!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks JD I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and especially commenting:)
