Saturday 10 May 2014

169 of 300 and counting.....

I have a couple of weeks before my craft show on the 24th and I am crafting as much as I can.  I am trying to have a variety of items and a few of each since I have no clue what will sell and what won't sell.  Here are some new creations:

I still need to make several wind chimes due to people ordering them and more magnets and jars.  I am also going to make my standard 6 and 3 tags for the craft show they are always a big hit!!!
example of tags

I have made 169 items and I am aiming for 300 items made with the supplies I have on hand now.  No more buying supplies until I have completed 300 items. 
I will keep you updated on new crafts and how the craft show goes.
Thanks for all your support
Again if you have any craft ideas please do not hesitate to leave them down in a comment!!

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