Sunday 25 May 2014

Live and Learn

Yesterday I made it to my first craft bazaar as a vendor.  It was something I had told myself I would try, it was a goal:)  
Live and Learn, it was not well attended and I only made one sale:(   What did I learn:
Ask how the event will be advertised, make sure the venue is well know and in a good location for drive bys, see how many other vendors are in attendance and see how successful their last event was.

I made great contacts with other vendors, they will let me in on other venues and events coming up in my area.  Such nice people and seems like its what some of them do most weekends.  Something else I learned was this and most shows are of direct marketing vendors, meaning they are part of commercial teams, ie arbonne, south hill jewelry, steepers, and several more.  I and one other vendor, a soap shop, were the only handmade shops there. 

I had a great experience overall, it was a long day and I slept very well today  lol  

Here are some cheery pics from my backyard, as yesterday was a gorgeous day out and it makes me believe spring is finally here to stay!!!

Please help me prepare for my next craft shows, what have you learned from your experiences??

Thanks  happy Spring all

Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Mad Rush

So its this Saturday I have my first Craft Show, I am nervous, excited and in overdrive crafting like a maniac  lol.
I am obsessed I will not have enough of a variety and want to be sure there is something for everyone at my table.......this is impossible, I know, but my crazy brain believed it for a bit  yikes!

I have priced most of my items I am waiting on some small tags to come in the mail to price all the hoop art individually. 

I still need to figure out what I am going to use to hang my wind chimes with.....oi.   I know it will all come together the way it is meant to and that I will not be able to do all I want for this sale, live and learn.
I have made a few other new items and will stop now as I need to rest up for the big day.
I have made over 100 items for my 300 items challenge!!!  I have many many more supplies to make new items with and cannot wait to focus on them rather than this sale.  It was all consuming as I tend to be a bit obsessive with things  teeheehee
I will update you on how the sale went and keep you posted on my challenge!!
thanks for reading and sharing.

Remember I do custom work ALL the time if you see something you like on here email me and we can figure out how to create something unique and special just for you.


Saturday 10 May 2014

169 of 300 and counting.....

I have a couple of weeks before my craft show on the 24th and I am crafting as much as I can.  I am trying to have a variety of items and a few of each since I have no clue what will sell and what won't sell.  Here are some new creations:

I still need to make several wind chimes due to people ordering them and more magnets and jars.  I am also going to make my standard 6 and 3 tags for the craft show they are always a big hit!!!
example of tags

I have made 169 items and I am aiming for 300 items made with the supplies I have on hand now.  No more buying supplies until I have completed 300 items. 
I will keep you updated on new crafts and how the craft show goes.
Thanks for all your support
Again if you have any craft ideas please do not hesitate to leave them down in a comment!!

Monday 5 May 2014

Getting all set for The May Sale

I am making the rest of my items for the May Craft Sale I am taking part in on the 24th.  I have made new items never attempted before and some I have made before.  I will not list most items in my shop as I hope they sell in the craft sale but am also unsure what shipping would cost for larger items such as I have made.  

See below

I have also gotten the cover for my craft table, it looks nice and crisp now, I still need to add a few finishing touches to my table thanks to your amazing feedback.  Here is it almost there  !

I am making greeting cards, magnetic decorated clothes pins, wind chimes and up-cycled jars and we will see what else.  What ever is not sold will be put in my shop.  If you have an inquiries of any items listed please contact me and we can talk custom orders.

Thanks for your support and feedback it is always welcomed.
I have made 55 items toward my 200 item challenge, I have purchased more items than expected so I am upping the challenge to 300 items with supplies I have and am getting in the next week or two.

Thursday 1 May 2014

A life I up for it??

I was talking to a co-worker today and we got on the subject of consumerism, I am a big one and want to stop as I feel I do NOT need anything else in clothes, home items etc.  I also feel my friends and family are blessed and have abundance, do I want to continue to feed into this Economy thing that clearly is broken?  Do I want to feed materialism by buying unneeded "pretties" for friends?
I say NO
This inspired a few ideas...For the next year I will buy gifts in the form of food, crafts or experiences!  That's right only food, crafts and experiences.

I have already started without knowing it lol  I bought my entire family early birthday gifts, to go see The Lion King together, hence an experience:)  
I know everyone I hang with are foodies so nice baked goods, handmade jewellery and fun times.
My hope is I will spend less, be more creative and thoughtful with gifts and save more monies to travel.
Wish Me luck and hey throw a few ideas my way 2 - 100 heads are better than 1.
I hope I inspired a few peeps or had you
look at how you spend your hard earned dollars