Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sleepless in Lefroy...no this is not a love story.

So I live with depression and every so often I have symptoms of it; sleepy all the time, not tired when I should be, anxiety, feel numb, very emotional, physical pain all over and many more. 
I find myself lying to people for when I do not make it to certain things that I am expected at, such as; I worked late - - acceptable reason, I had to help someone with something last minute - - very kind of me, I had a bit of an emergency but all is ok now - - no one really questions that on too much.  I hate to do this but I guess I am still learning to accept this illness and find others lack of education on the subject my excuse to keep making up excuses for when I cannot get out of bed, (or sleep for hours upon hours and the times I cannot fathom being around others as it hurts to think for more than 2 seconds) because I hate the blank stare I get back or the look of "just get over it already", or the look of "didn't you just sleep all day last week?" 
I know I cannot read minds but this is how I feel society looks at depression' well heck most mental illnesses - - The old idea of "just pull up those boot straps and keep moving forward" attitude.  YUCK no thank you it does not work with mental illness, if I had to will it away believe me it would be gone; long gone.
If you have a friend, or in fact are just finding out I live with depression, Wikipedia it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_(mood), get informed so you don't feel uncomfortable about it.

Right now I slept all day so I am not tired when I should be....1:41 am on a Monday night.

I cleaned up, created a new smash book/Journal, cuddled with my cats, ate lots of carbs (its a depression thang).

I get very creative at the most inopportune times but tonight it worked out just fine.  This book is made from paper bags, ink, ribbon, yarn, charms, scrapbook paper, tags made by others (they totally are my paper made inspirations) paper, brads and stamps.

This can be used as a journal, a photo album, diary, inspiration, travel journal and whatever else you can think of.

I hope to make paper art in the future, right now I am using items that have already been made and putting them all together.  I want to use stamps and papers and inks to create my own looks that hopefully others find inspiring.

 I will have to get some blank stamps and chisel in my own designs, sounds easy enough right?  Wrong I cannot create what I see in my head out on paper or chiseled in rubber to be stamped later.  Does not mean I will not keep trying. 

Here are some of my paper heroines

ok I can go on and on  lol
Paper art coming soon....I hope    

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