Monday 1 December 2014

New Chapter, Faith and 153 of 200!!

I have reached 153 items created with my supplies on hand.  thanks to all the wonderful folks who purchase from me and challenge me with custom orders!!  I have a had a few custom orders and my usual crowd pleaser my gifts tags.  Here are some items I have made recently:
                                                 Smash Books/Journal/Diary/Scrapbooks

                                                              Button Christmas Tree
                                                                   Felt Brooches

I have come to the end of a contract for my full-time job at this time the position will no longer exist, meaning I will be out of work as of the 11th of December.  First reaction HELP.  I am going to lose everything! Life is not fair.  How could this happen?  I took a little time and talked to a few close friends and prayed.  I now see it completely differently;  I wonder what doors are going to open for me?  I cannot wait to see what this next chapter regarding work has in store for me.  I now have time to really launch and promote my new business - - - - lol hey its my blog I will promote cause I can :P  and I know God, The Universe, The Creator what ever name you would like to use always and I mean always has a better plan than I ever can come up with.  Sky is the limit for this gal.

Any experience or words of advice for this soon to be not working full-time gal?  All is very appreciated.  Thanks in advance and thanks for reading my blog its so cool knowing people actually read this ALL over the world - - Hi to the UK, Russia, USA and all my other readers.  xo

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