Thursday 25 December 2014

173 of 200, another year and its challanges.

Well It is Christmas Day and I all I feel is blessed!  I hear the faint sound of my boyfriend snoring in the bedroom, my cats are roaming freely about, I have a warm cup of tea and I still have a full day of family to look forward too

I am still on a 200 item challenge, I need to make 200 items with all the supplies I have on hand before buying more supplies.  I am at 173, I think I made more but forgot to mark them down on my score sheet but we will stick with 173. 

I am going to try a new direction in my shop:  more geared toward younger children; hoop art, garlands, buntings and more.  I have not sewn in a very long time but we shall see how I do on the Buntings  lol  here is some of the fabrics I will use:

and here are some hearts I am working on for a garland
I need some ideas for other children's themed items to add to my shop.  What should I make?  Help me make HERTrinkets a vibrant and fun shop for kids  Let me know in the comments section below, I really appreciate all your feedback  thanks in advance
So far the end of 2014 has been a tough one to accept.  I find myself out of work, I was on a contract that was to turn into a full time position but at the last minute the position was pulled.  It is not a good time of year to be unemployed, not many interviews will be set up at this time.  I have had plenty of jobs to apply to that are jobs I actually want, the only thing is I will most likely have to commute to them :(  I am not looking forward to this at all.  I thought my days of commuting had come to an end.  Another exciting possibility is I am on Employment Insurance and they have different programs, one being for Entrepreneurs, I recently launched my business; , of de-cluttering, organizing and restaging.  I could join a year long program where I would learn all there is to learn about being a business owner with a minimal monthly income from Employment Insurance.  I plan on getting more information and see what happens with the interview process of the jobs I applied for.  Its scary and exciting to have options.
Are you an Entrepreneur?  What are the pros and cons?  Please share your experiences with me.
Merry Christmas, may it be one of love, joy, friends and family.
with love God Bless
Stephanie B

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