Thursday 20 November 2014

129 out of 200, just when I thought I was ahead, craft shows are done!!

Well I have made 129 items from my already stockpiled supplies out of my 200 items challenge.  I hope to make more soon as I am finished all my craft shows.  What did I learn: I will never do a 2 day show event again way too much work with very little pay off.  I will stick to local shows in my area (less time and gas spent to get to them) and I am still pretty awkward around strangers  lol  I met some amazing people though along the way and am better for it.

So in my last bog I was so excited as I had saved a few extra bucks and was looking where to spend it well turns out I will need said monies as my day job is going from a paid on the 1st and 15th to being paid every 2 weeks.  UGH I have all my bills and stuff scheduled on certain days to come out eeek I hope it still all works out fine.  I will be getting less money per pay, since it will be 26 pays instead of 24 pays, so I have to revamp my whole budget gheesh not so fun.  Of course all my bills are going up tis the season many of my services get renewed.  So I guess I was not meant to get ahead as I thought I was at this time.  Still saving as we speak for Europe in AUGUST 2015 woo hoo.

Here are some items I made:

So now that I am done with the craft shows I can concentrate on getting my side business up and going,   Any suggestions on the best way to advertise my new business?  please all feedback is welcome and encouraged and so appreciated.

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