Wednesday 17 September 2014

290 of 300, more from brazil and life keeps going

I haven't written in awhile so I thought I better.  I have completed 290 items out of 300 using supplies I already have.  I have purchased more supplies along the way so I will start a new challenge once I am done for 20o items and WILL NOT buy anymore supplies.  It is so hard as my mind is always full of ideas of what to make next.  I have so many supplies I will have no problem with my new 200 items challenge!!  Here are a few items I have made:

I have a craft show this Saturday at a Fall Festival  it is nature themed.  I have made a few items for this show to come.  I know the weather is supposed to be nice so here is hoping for a large turn out:

I cannot believe it is a month ago today we got back form Brazil.  It was a lovely vacation but feels so long ago as I am back into a busy life schedule and find it hard to just relax. 
Here are a few pics from Brazil that were from the other camera:

Such a beautiful city Rio is and I am so blessed to be able to have gone and experienced it.  I was able to see a dear friend of mine and here family, she is in the first picture.  If you ever get a chance go to Rio de Janeiro we loved Ipanema, that is where we stayed.  Such friendly people, amazing restaurants and many sites to see.

Wish me luck on my next endeavours I shall keep you posted of what happens next. Life is a journey and I hope to keep experiencing it not trying to reach a destination     ;)


  1. Good luck to you this weekend. I know you'll do well :) I love seeing the photos from Brazil ♡ and... great job on your challenge to make pieces and not buy more supplies, I should do that!

    1. Thanks Alicia:) You should accept the 100 items challenge!! Go for it!!!

  2. What an accomplishment! You are amazing and an inspiration to all of us!
