Wednesday 24 September 2014

300!! New items and how the show went...

I did it! I made 300 items with the supplies I had on hand.  I am now back onto a 100 item challenge ~ I cannot buy anymore supplies until I make 100 items with the supplies I have on hand.
I always buy WAY TOO many supplies  lol  this challenge helps me create the items I bought the supplies for originally and to also use my imagination to make some supplies go together that I had not intended.

Here are a few new items:

The show this last Saturday was good.  It was a Fall Festival set out in the woods.  There were several artists with very unique wares that were nature inspired.  I was very proud to me among them. 
This was my table:
My next show is:
Save the Date: Fall #madebyhandshow Sat/Sun Oct 18-19 @ International Centre FREE PARKING 
Over 150 CANADIAN Artists, Artisans and Designers.
Admission $7.00 (weekend pass) children 16 & under free
Save the Date: Fall ‪#‎madebyhandshow‬ Sat/Sun Oct 18-19 @ International Centre
Over 150 CANADIAN Artists, Artisans and Designers.
Admission $7.00 (weekend pass) children 16 & under free
Please come and support local artists, great place to get Christmas gifts, b-day presents and pretty things for yourself  :)

Wednesday 17 September 2014

290 of 300, more from brazil and life keeps going

I haven't written in awhile so I thought I better.  I have completed 290 items out of 300 using supplies I already have.  I have purchased more supplies along the way so I will start a new challenge once I am done for 20o items and WILL NOT buy anymore supplies.  It is so hard as my mind is always full of ideas of what to make next.  I have so many supplies I will have no problem with my new 200 items challenge!!  Here are a few items I have made:

I have a craft show this Saturday at a Fall Festival  it is nature themed.  I have made a few items for this show to come.  I know the weather is supposed to be nice so here is hoping for a large turn out:

I cannot believe it is a month ago today we got back form Brazil.  It was a lovely vacation but feels so long ago as I am back into a busy life schedule and find it hard to just relax. 
Here are a few pics from Brazil that were from the other camera:

Such a beautiful city Rio is and I am so blessed to be able to have gone and experienced it.  I was able to see a dear friend of mine and here family, she is in the first picture.  If you ever get a chance go to Rio de Janeiro we loved Ipanema, that is where we stayed.  Such friendly people, amazing restaurants and many sites to see.

Wish me luck on my next endeavours I shall keep you posted of what happens next. Life is a journey and I hope to keep experiencing it not trying to reach a destination     ;)

Thursday 4 September 2014

265 of 300!!! Nature Themed Show and other shows:)

So I had a challenge to make 300 items with the supplies I have without buying anymore....I did buy more hence instead of a 200 item challenge it turned into a 300 item challenge. 
I have made a lot of jewelry lately to fill up my new ETSY shop:
Check them out:

I still have many supplies I think I will challenge myself again after I hit 300 new made items as I need to use up all the supplies I already have.  I know I am not the only crafter who tends to have oh about 100 ideas for items to make so you see something on sale you grab it for one of those said 100 ideas next thing you know um its a craft room full of supplies.  I will have to be crafty to come up with new ideas using only what I have I love this about the 100 item challenge.  I have made items I never thought of before purchasing supplies. 
I am in a few shows coming up:

Fall Forest Festival

Celebrate fall in the forest! Admire and shop for arts and crafts made from and inspired by nature. Plus, take a horse-drawn wagon ride, walk with a forester, watch a timber harvester at work and much more.
Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
North Tract, 17054 Hwy. 48, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Fall Made by Hand Show
Saturday October 18 & Sunday October 19, 2014
The International Centre, Entrance 6
6900 Airport Road, Mississauga, ON
Sunday, November 9
from 10 am – 3 pm
 Stroud – Innisfil Recreation Centre, Stroud Arena Banquet Hall
74883 Yonge Street, Innisfil, Ontario, L9S 1K8
2014 Artisans’ Christmas Show at the Simcoe County Museum. 
This juried show will take place on
Saturday November 15 and Sunday November 16
from 10 am – 4 pm both days. 
1151 Highway 26, Minesing, Ontario L0L 1Y2
I am hoping some of you can make one or more of these shows, would be great to see familiar faces and also to support local artists  :)
I need ideas for Christmas items to make.  Leave me your ideas in the comments section below
Thanks in advance for all your ideas