Tuesday 4 March 2014

Odd Sleeping Schedule/New Situations

I have been experiencing an odd sleeping schedule as of the last 4 months.  I have been looking into all areas that can be creating it but I am at the point now that I have accepted it.  I will have days I will sleep all day and then an evening, such as tonight's, I will be up all night.  I find various things to do in these long nights; laundry, cleaning, crafting, trying to make a website, change what my blog looks like....what do you think?, and many more.

Tonight I have decided to blog since it has been awhile since I have.

Over the last couple months I have found myself in many "new situations" :

I started a new job in December, I am loving it as I am still working as a case manager but also am more specialized working directly in the courts with people.

I have a new car, its a 2008 corolla but she is new to me, her name is Desiree.

I have started a new challenge of making 150 items with all the craft supplies I have now...I am at Number 57 now and many new items to make for orders.

I have started an new relationship, I have been more single than in relationships in my adult life so it will take some time to get use to it again.

and now I am trying to start a new website, why?  why not  lol  but I am saddened that there are so many claiming to be free but they are not free!!  If you know of any actual free website companies please let me know please thanks:)  I would like to be able to sell my items on it or to link my items from my ETSY shop.

I am glad I have many new situations happening because I am feeling nervous, challenged and out of my comfort zone.......in other words I am still growing as a person and heck isn't that what life is all about:  To grow, love and help others?

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