Sunday 16 March 2014

83 and counting......God........Creativity......Craft Show

Over the past little while I have been busy with no time to craft, I hate when this happens.  Crafting to me is my escape, my refuge and my time with God.  I believe we are all creative and can express God through that creative side.  When I craft nothing in the world exists accept for me and what I am creating.  In other words I am totally in the moment, my belief is when I am in the moment it is a time I am meditating with God, spending time with God and growing that relationship.   I have found sometime over the last couple of days and I feel like the world is back in order and I remember what life is all about: Love, service and being in the moment.

I have created 83 of my 100 challenge.  Since I have bought a few supplies I have made my challenge 150 items to be made with my existing supplies before purchasing more supplies.

Here are my latest creations:

                   HOOP ART


Here is a new creation for me:


These were fun to make!!! 
 I am also gearing up for a Bazaar I will be in, in May:)
This will be my first bazaar/craft sale.  It will be for one day in Oshawa I get one table and I have to set it all up by myself and sell sell sell all day long,  I hope:)   
I have been looking online for different ideas for how to set up my table and also for pricing.  I will need to make up signs for pricing and tags as well.  I feel I have a lot in stock but want to be sure I have plenty in the way of variety to choose from.  I will have my felt brooches, necklaces, earrings and bracelets, hoop art, tags, new magnets and some art work.  
I am so excited about it.
I have much to make and will need to make time for it but I know I will as it was one of my goals for this year to go in a craft show.  I want to see what the experience is like and to see how my wares sell in that type of venue.
Any hints on a successful craft sale?  any ideas for new items I can make? 
comments are always welcomed and encouraged from my readers. 
Thanks <3

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steph!

    You have a been a busy bee! Best of luck in the craft show. My best advice to sell is to engage with shoppers. Smile, chat and be friendly. Thats pretty much how I sell mos of my stuff! LOL

    xox krys
