Thursday 16 January 2014


Being a small business owner I am always lookiing at trends, what is selling and colours that are hot.  I also have to look at being consistent. 
I feel my shop, HERTrinkets, on ETSY has become very eclectic and I am not so sure I want it that way.

I would like folks to let me know what they think of my shop,

Do I have too many different types of items?
Does there seem to be a style you can see it is one artist who designs for it?
What items would you like to see or see more of?
Any type of feed back would be appreciated.

Here are some spring brooches, my original item I sold in my shop :


Thanks in advance for the feedback it is greatly appreiciated

1 comment:

  1. uh-oh! my confusion is contagious! :P
    I love what you are doing Steph! Your hoop art is gorgeous and your brooches are always a hit! And your tags do great in BNRs! I think you are rockin' it!! Like me, maybe we just need to set some new goals for our shop in 2014 and find out what we really really love to make and sell! <3
