Sunday 26 January 2014

I was in a BNR on ETSY, suprise suprise, and we were talking about what a joke it is to say I will use up all my supplies before buying more ~ like any good artist can do this when they have a million ideas in their head daily of future projects. 
When one ETSIAN, Ang of The Curious Cupcake, suggested or should I say challanged me to a 100 items ~they need to be made before I can purchase any new supplies. 
This challange did not include essential supplies, mine would be Mod Podge, glue and ink.


So I took stock of all my supplies, by taking a good look over it all and reminding myself of what I have...boy do I have a lot of supplies

I think I have enough supplies for this challenge, don't you?


I started my challenge and already have 9 items on my challenge list:

These were made of old pieces of wood


Scrapbooking paper, Stickers, Stamp and Ink....


Butttons, Lace, Stamped Fabric, Pearls, Barettes and other  Embellishments.
From a brief scan of my supplies I know I will continue to create ; hoop art, poppy brooches, tags, jewellery, clothes pin magnets, collages and so much more!!
I will keep you up dated of all the fun things I create, I mean the 100 items I make from all these supplies.
Thanks again Ang for the Challange


  1. This is such a great idea! it`s so funny that you are blogging about it, because 2 weeks ago I figured I would use up some of those supplies I have been uninspired by and neglecting! I`m listing today some of them!

    Good luck with the 100 items!

    xox krys

  2. Woohoo!! Challenges are so exciting! 100 items is ALOT, but good luck! You can do it!!

