Sunday 26 January 2014

I was in a BNR on ETSY, suprise suprise, and we were talking about what a joke it is to say I will use up all my supplies before buying more ~ like any good artist can do this when they have a million ideas in their head daily of future projects. 
When one ETSIAN, Ang of The Curious Cupcake, suggested or should I say challanged me to a 100 items ~they need to be made before I can purchase any new supplies. 
This challange did not include essential supplies, mine would be Mod Podge, glue and ink.


So I took stock of all my supplies, by taking a good look over it all and reminding myself of what I have...boy do I have a lot of supplies

I think I have enough supplies for this challenge, don't you?


I started my challenge and already have 9 items on my challenge list:

These were made of old pieces of wood


Scrapbooking paper, Stickers, Stamp and Ink....


Butttons, Lace, Stamped Fabric, Pearls, Barettes and other  Embellishments.
From a brief scan of my supplies I know I will continue to create ; hoop art, poppy brooches, tags, jewellery, clothes pin magnets, collages and so much more!!
I will keep you up dated of all the fun things I create, I mean the 100 items I make from all these supplies.
Thanks again Ang for the Challange

Thursday 16 January 2014


Being a small business owner I am always lookiing at trends, what is selling and colours that are hot.  I also have to look at being consistent. 
I feel my shop, HERTrinkets, on ETSY has become very eclectic and I am not so sure I want it that way.

I would like folks to let me know what they think of my shop,

Do I have too many different types of items?
Does there seem to be a style you can see it is one artist who designs for it?
What items would you like to see or see more of?
Any type of feed back would be appreciated.

Here are some spring brooches, my original item I sold in my shop :


Thanks in advance for the feedback it is greatly appreiciated

Friday 10 January 2014

I just had to share this with all of you:)
I love nature but hate how cruel it can be.
Here are pictures of my backyard bunnies ~  Dexter and Daisy

They are adorable and help mow my lawn all summer
Just the other day I met a new backyad friend the Owl.   .   .

Isn't it beautiful.
The sad part of this beautiful story is one of my backyard bunnies will not be here again in the summer as this majestic owl had one for its dinner   :(  
Nature can be beautiful, powerful and sad all at once.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

And the winner is Krysthle
of my Nov. 24 th Blog Contest
She had suggested several hoop arts to inspire me so I have created one for her as the winner.
 Here is your Hoop Art

    Thanks for your ideas
    She will be in the mail Saturday