Monday 20 October 2014

One show down 2 to go, new challange and Europe!!

So this past weekend I was a vendor at the MadebyHand show at the International Centre.  It was a great venue, well organized but not too many shoppers.  People came but a lot of them were what I call "lookers"  they just stroll by looking and are not going to shop, just passing the time, very frustrating  lol  Here is my Table:

What was awesome at the show I got to meet a fellow Etsian, Anie from  
She is even more adorable in person and sweet.  Here she made a recording of her table:
I almost made my table cost back but was short a few dollars :(   I hope the next 2 shows are more fruitful.  I think they will be as people did not seem to have Christmas gifts in mind at all. I have several ornaments to make for these shows they look like this:

I also plan to have several gift tags available too:


I am on a new 100 item challenge I am at 18 right now and have several orders to fill so that number will go up woo hoo.  I will be filling orders and making items for the next 2 craft shows I am in I will be at 100 items in no time.

So we have decided our next big trip; Europe we want to hit London, Paris, south of France and Germany. We will go next August.  I am so excited.  I have good friends in London we shall visit and the rest will be exploring on our own, unless they come with us, if you are reading this Sandra HINT HINT  lol.

Friday 10 October 2014

Launching a Business, New items and a New challenge....

I have decided to put my dreams out there to the world, I have launched a new business;   It is a decluttering and organizing service, I have always loved doing this type of work and have helped friends along he way.  I have decided to make my dream a reality, get paid for what I enjoy doing!!  If you know anyone who needs to organize their space, decluter specific areas (need to make room for the car in he garage for winter?) or wants to downsize pass on my information please and thank you.

I have completed my last challenge of 300 items, it was a tough one but I did it.  I am on to my next one as I have gotten many supplies so I shall make 200 items before purchasing anymore supplies.  Here are a few items I have made recently:

I have a craft show coming up next weekend:
It will have over 150 booths/artists please come by and support local artists.  Its a great time to buy Christmas Gifs!!