Tuesday 22 April 2014

New 200 Items and counting and The May Bazaar.

I have bought new supplies and have now said I will make 200 items before buying more supplies!!
I need to keep challenging myself for several reasons, I love a challenge, it make good sense to use up what one has before buying more, keeps me creative and thinking outside the box, I will save money and lastly I will actually be able to see all my supplies in my craft room since I will not have hundreds of supplies here and there.
 here are a few new items I have made

                     HOOP ART!!!

I am going to be a vendor for the first time in May and I am a little obsessed with how my table will look, so much I have been setting up a table at home to see how I want it to look.  I have gotten some amazing feedback from some ETSY friends, now I need your feedback!!
How can I improve my table??
I will be adding my banner to the front of the table hanging down the middle

I still need to add prices and will be making more tags, clothes peg magnets and earrings (most are mine I wear in the picture just so I can see how it will look), and more garlands.
I have also registered for a craft show in November, this will have all Christmas themed items so I have plenty of time to get ready for it!!
Please give me feedback I am open to all, constructive and positive I am new at this and any little bit of advice is welcomed  thanks in advance   :)

Thursday 10 April 2014

108 new items made from old supplies, more supplies purchased going for 300 items!!

I think this latest challenge of making a hundred items with the supplies I had before purchasing more has made a monster out of me.  I love challenges.  I bought more supplies and am planning on making 200 more items from all my supplies before purchasing more!! 



 Here are some of the latest

          items I have made

You can buy them from my...

               ETSY SHOP........

What other challenges do you think I should do?   What challenges have you done that you found fun and exciting?  I love to try new things especially when it is a creative challenge!!!